Crawling Through Grass was released May 13, 2022 on Arguably Records. Collaborators include Gregg Bielski [Easy Bake Oven], Andrew Nahem [Ritual Tension], Jon Fried [The Cucumbers], Norman Westberg [Swans], Jadwiga Taba [Nac/Hut Report], and Mark C [Live Skull], with vocal additions by Helen Nulty. Some of it was mixed and recorded at Deepsea studio in Hoboken with Mark C. Cover art by Jane Bauman, back cover photo by Richard Dweck, and graphic design by Andrew Nahem. Available for purchase here.

Crawling Through Grass by Ivan Nahem

I did several print interviews and a bunch of podcasts. My favorites of these are listed in the links page.

I’ve posted three playlists on SoundCloud featuring my best tracks through the years.

I’ve put two video playlists on YouTube: RITUAL TENSION IN THE 80s and IVAN NAHEM FILMS.

At the moment I’m concentrating on writing spoken word poetry for readings, and a novel.